What to Do When Bored | Activities for Kids to Avoid Boredom

What to Do When Bored | Activities for Kids to Avoid Boredom

What to Do When Bored | Activities for Kids to Avoid Boredom

What to Do When Kids are Bored 

 This time of lockdown, people get bored, and so are our children. 

Children would always want to try something new to do. When they get to do the same thing repetitively, they feel bored, and they long for new activities to do. As parents, we should take advantage of these exploratory times in teaching them valuable life lessons while making sure that they enjoy the time. If you are already running out of ideas on what to do, here is the list for you.

What to Do When Bored | Activities for Kids to Avoid Boredom

What to Do When Bored | Activities for Kids to Avoid Boredom

List of Things to do When Bored | For Kids

Art Challenge

Open applications online and watch some art projects. Recreate it based on the available materials at home.


Teaching your child the value of cleanliness is a good idea as a way of getting rid of Boredom. So, why not do some carwash? Turn on the faucet, let the water flow, and do some cleaning as you enjoy both the water and bubbles brought by the carwash activity.

Chalk Dolls

Drawing some chalk dolls and creating patterns of dresses using old newspapers and other materials could work. Who knows? This might nurture your child’s inclination to fashion.


What to Do When Bored | Activities for Kids to Avoid Boredom

What to Do When Bored | Activities for Kids to Avoid Boredom


Baking teaches a lot of lessons – from math to culinary. Indulging your child in the world of measurement and culinary would be an excellent way to make them feel less bored.

Bicycle Ride

For younger children, supervision is needed in this bicycle riding activity. The location should be in the driveway or backyard part of the house. But for relatively older kids, (if the situation allows, a bicycle trip with the neighbor’s kids within the subdivision will be excellent.

Letter to Grandparent

Why not ask your child to write some letters of appreciation or gratitude for the grandparents? Not only is it heartwarming, but it is also a way of letting your child appreciate the beauty of recognizing the contribution of the grandparents.

What to Do When Bored | Activities for Kids to Avoid Boredom 

Dance Party

Create a dance playlist and make the groove! This is also the best time for you to teach your child your best dance moves.

Fort Moments

Creating their fort where they could stay, read, watch, or play is the best idea. It is as if making their own space inside your home.

Gratitude Board

Have your children write some notes of the things that they are thankful for. Then, hang it in their room or personal space. Every day, they will remember how grateful they are for those things.

What to Do When Bored | Activities for Kids to Avoid Boredom

Go for Sports

Outdoor activities will bring out the best in your child. Whether running or actual sports like basketball, these activities could be of great help. You get to bond together while enjoying the perks of being physically active. 

Hide and Seek Game

Set strict parameters on the specific covered area for the side and seek game. Then, do the counting and begin looking for each other!

Lego Hunt

Prepare some pieces of paper and let them match some lego pieces. Hide the legos and let your child search for these parts. Once found, they have to check it with the printed paper. All parts should be found for the pieces to be complete.

What to Do When Bored | Activities for Kids to Avoid Boredom


Allowing your kids to engage in gardening will not only break the Boredom. This activity will even give them the correct values. Some studies show that kids will grow as responsible individuals if they are given regular chores like taking care of vegetables, pets, etc.

Lunch Preparation

Have your kids choose their menu for lunch and be the main person in-charged of the cooking. Your role is to supervise and guide them for possible queries.

Mindful Movement App

A lot of online applications nowadays would encourage physical activity. So, download this app and learn new things together while being physically active! This may include some jumping and dancing.


What to Do When Bored | Activities for Kids to Avoid Boredom


Imitate or adapt your favorite movie scene and turn it into a short skit or play. This will entail some needed home-based preparation, but this is fun. 

Room Cleaning

Let your child be in-charged of cleaning their own space or room. This will teach the value of responsibility and cleanliness while giving them the freedom to decide for their own space.

Scavenger Hunt

Create a list of things to find outdoor (within the backyard) and have your child bring it as part of a mission. Make sure that these things are difficult to find and figure out. The use of clues to identify these things would make it even more fun.

What to Do When Bored | Activities for Kids to Avoid Boredom

Play-Doh Sculptures

This activity is enjoyable and creative. Let your child’s imagination work as they mold some figures using the play-doh.

Slime Making

Creativity and chemical composition could be developed through the making of slime. So, prepare your hands for some slime-making activity. Be sure to explain the details to your children to fully grasp the scientific aspect of the action.

Poster Making

Go for the “When I grow Up” poster. It means that you will allow your child to visualize their dreams in the future by preparing a sign. May it be cut papers or digitalized ones; all of these are acceptable.

What to Do When Bored | Activities for Kids to Avoid Boredom

Eggshell Painting/ Rock Painting

Collect those eggshells and let your kids paint them. You can also gather some rocks with unique shapes and have your child paint on them. Then, display it in their room. This will be a sweet reminder of such a fun and enjoyable rock painting moment.


Using colored chalks, draw some murals on the sidewalk. Let them expose their creativity and encourage them to give their best. Later on, take some photos of the mural before cleaning it.

Obstacle Course

This activity will bring out all the laughter and energy of your kid. As they race to accomplish the course, there will be lots of realizations along the way. Teaching different values through this activity is highly possible.

What to Do When Bored | Activities for Kids to Avoid Boredom

Solve Puzzles

For older children, more complicated with numerous pieces is the recommended puzzle. As for the younger ones, go for colorful with a limited number of parts.

Write to a Soldier

A letter of appreciation because of a soldier’s courage and heroism may be a task you can both do—this teaches your child the value of gratitude.

Snack Preparation

Invade the kitchen and prepare some snacks together. It may be a sandwich, shake, or even baked products. Who knows? Your child might discover their love for the kitchen.

What to Do When Bored | Activities for Kids to Avoid Boredom

Story Reading | Writing

You can allow them to boost their writing skills and creativity as they write their own stories for bigger kids. Later on, ask them some questions about it to further enhance the level. For the little ones who don’t have the skills yet, a lovely story ready is fine.

Time Capsule

Write some messages or prepare objects that you think are memorable for your current time or situation. Then come up with an agreement that you will only get or open these notes on an agreed time. Keep the items in a jar.

Toothpick Tower

Prepare toothpick and marshmallow, and have your kids prepare some towers. This will enable them to be creative while thinking strategically.

What to Do When Bored | Activities for Kids to Avoid Boredom


Yoga or Fitness Class

Some reflection moments or stretching would be a way of relaxation and wellness. This will let your child appreciate the beauty of some quiet moments of reflection. Watching yoga for kids and imitating it will be the idea.

There is no reason for you and your child to feel bored at home with lots of activities to do. Try this list, and have tons of fun!

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