Parenting Styles | Different Types and How Does it Affect Your Child

 Parenting Styles | Different Types and How Does it Affect Your Child

 Parenting Styles | Different Types and How Does it Affect Your Child

 Parenting Styles

There are a variety of parenting styles nowadays. This is for the reason that there is no such thing as one size fits all. What might work for one child may not work for another, and vice versa. At the same time, parents also vary in their preferences on how they would like to deal with their children. Others may opt for the empowering style, while others may also go more strictly and control. In this article, we will discuss the effects of the different parenting styles.

 Parenting Styles | Different Types and How Does it Affect Your Child

 Parenting Styles | Different Types and How Does it Affect Your Child

Types of Parenting Styles

Authoritative Parenting

In this style of pf parenting, the parents create a striking balance between guidance and independence. They allow their child to do things that they want but, at the same time, provides enough guidance along the way. The parents set standards for the child’s enrichment, but they also patiently guide the child to reach the standards. Expectations are set by the parents, but not to the point that they will force the child to meet the expectations. It is a well-guided parenting style, enabling the parents and the child to move forward while ensuring that standards and expectations are met. Generally, children who managed to be parented in an authoritative style tend to be successful in social and academic life.

 Parenting Styles | Different Types and How Does it Affect Your Child

 Parenting Styles | Different Types and How Does it Affect Your Child

Permissive Parenting

The buddy type of relationship is developed through permissive parenting. In this style, the parents present themselves as a buddy or someone the child can always run to instead of an authority to be feared. They give their child the freedom to choose and do things and let them explore those choices without helping them. It means that as parents, they make their children their way by dealing with the consequences or results of their own decisions and actions. The only backset of this is that though the child may enjoy all the freedom given to them, there may be repercussions in dealing with both emotional and social aspects of their life later on. Signs and symptoms of depression may be evident since the child may feel neglected at times without the guidance of the parents.

 Parenting Styles | Different Types and How Does it Affect Your Child

Authoritarian Parenting

Two phrases characterize this style of parenting. One, it is authoritarian. Second, it is less nurturing. It means that the parents see that they are the authority in the house and whether the child likes it or not, they should follow and comply with the given rules. The rules and policies provided by the parents must be followed strictly. The inability to meet would result in punishment. The setback of this? Research suggests that this type of parenting can lead to a lot of behavioral problems. The child may develop low self-esteem since they will see themself as always in the parents’ control. Another unfavorable outcome is that the child may become a bully, later on, their inability to express themselves to the parents.

 Parenting Styles | Different Types and How Does it Affect Your Child

Attachment Parenting

This is perhaps the most emotionally-investing parenting style. The parents aim to develop a certain level of attachment, both emotionally and physically. They would like their child to be always close to them no matter what the circumstances may be. This includes preparing for the pregnancy, proper feeding with love and respect, sensitivity to the child’s feelings, nurturing touch, safe and sound sleep, imposing positive discipline, and consistent provision of love and care. There is a striking balance between personal life and family life. The great advantage of this is that it allows the parents and the child to develop closer ties and deeper connections.

 Parenting Styles | Different Types and How Does it Affect Your Child

 Parenting Styles | Different Types and How Does it Affect Your Child

Free-range Parenting

This specific type of parenting encourages the child to choose their own decisions as long as they still comply with the given rules. There is a striking balance between freedom and limitation. The child should always meet laws that govern the place or the neighborhood. If not, there will still be consequences. The child functions independently but is still judicially and socially conscious of what is allowed and not.

Whichever parenting styles work best for you and the family, you better talk about it with your wife/husband to further plan. Consider the pros and cons of the different styles to weigh down, which suits your family situation. Happy Parenting.

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  1. Marvin Bayona

    The parenting style affects the emotional, spiritual, perspective and behavioral of the children in a way how their parents handle them. If they grew in an authoritative parenting style then most probably they are happy, trusted by their parents thats why they are confident yet have their limitations in their actions and would likely successful in life because their parents let them be and just there to give advices or supports them. In permissive type of parenting it will just cause the child to value less authority in their life that they think whatever the result of their doings they will have someone to lean on which is wrong though the child is happy about the freedom given to them but the results will always affects them especially when most times they choose the wrong one and they suffer from it. They will always deal emotional problems. Free-range parenting is kinda risky because today’s generation are difficult and there are many temptation and as a parent you want to be there to guide your child and not to be left out by all the decisions.
    Whatever you choose in terms of parenting for your child, make sure that it doesn’t back fire the child in the end. Consider always the effects in terms of behavioral, emotional, spiritually, and their perspective in life. Let them feel the love, support, happiness yet your presence as their parents to come up with a successful parenting style.

  2. Angelo T. Elare BSIT 2F3

    Parenting style affects the values of children by the way they raise them, their environment, by the way how they see things, by the way how they taught their children it will reflects to their children that’s is why every parent really need to be conscious on their move beacuse children might adopt it.

  3. Malaga,Louis miguel S. Bsit 2f4

    If our parent will not work for our family we can’t study and we can’t eat every day becouse they have no money to buy food and things that we need always think that love your parents and brothers and sisters

  4. Baldeveso,Emar B.

    It is very important that every kids nor children have their own decision on life as a young age . It is the way to road their success in the future kids is they of our future Rizal said. As a young age their have a their plan on their future and want they want to do in their future.

  5. Althea Murielle Mendoza BSIT 2-F4

    As you know, parenting style is very important to the child’s development. Different parenting styles have also different effects to the children. It can influence the development of our Self-concept because, what our parents shows and teaches to us is the one that we think is right and we follows and brings it as we grow older. If the parents happens to show us the worst parenting style then maybe we will grow unhappy and have a low self-esteem. The worst case scenario is that because of their parenting style, we can also harm other people because we didn’t received enough guidance and support from them. If the parents shows us a proper parenting style then maybe we can grow with having more confidence with our selves. We can grow having a proper manners and respect to other people. Lastly, we can build a good relationship towards our parents and to other people as well. Parenting style is very important because this will serve as the guide to the children for their upcoming future.

  6. Riega D. Monteza

    There are several parenting styles, and they all have an impact on the formation of our self-concept. This is due to the fact that our behaviors are influenced by how our parents educate and demonstrate to us. Being strict and balanced is an example of a parenting style. Our parents’ strictness causes us to become greedy and rebellious, especially when we want to do something like party all night with our friends. It will also affect our self-esteem since we feel that doing such things is right because we believe that our behavior and abilities are the result of having strict parents. Their strictness has an impact on our self-concept. While for me, having parents with balanced parenting styles helps me develop a healthy and positive self-concept. Their balanced parenting style shaped me into the person I am today. They have taught me how to deal with others and make my own decisions. Indeed, parenting styles have a significant impact on the formation of our self-concept and shape who and what we are.

  7. Yulatic, Junmer Paul A.

    Parenting styles differ from the nature of the parents on how they nurture their children. Children may tend to mimic the behavioral attitudes of their parents. On the contrary, when their children grow up they will have their own mind set and make decisions on their own. However, some parents boosts the self-esteem of their children and some are not providing encouragement for their child. Parents will guide their child on the right path because they want the best for their child. Lastly, in my own opinion, you are lucky enough if your parents supports you and gives you the unconditional love you are longing for.

  8. Wenna Donguines

    Parenting style is one of the most important aspect specailly in our
    self development ,because in the first place parents have a big role in our life. They are the one that nurture as since day one until now . Parenting styles help our parents to disipline us to be a better person and it leads to the better version of ourselves.

    Wenna Donguines BSIT 2-M1

  9. Chandylou L. Lava, BSIT 2 F4

    Parenting Style influence the development of our self concept? Yes, our self-concept is influenced by our parents’ parenting style. Being who I am now has influenced what my parents do and teach, such as allowing me to do things while knowing my limitations, such as allowing me to roam with my friends while knowing that I must return home by a certain time limit, which has helped me grow into an obedient person. My parents have allowed me to make any decisions in my life since I was 20 years old, and they have given me freedom. My mother told me that if I do something, I will be able to know and learn things, and such advise motivates me to grow into a powerful human. Also, I adore my parents since they are my best friends who offer me a shoulder to cry on and guidance when I have a problems. My parents’ parenting style is the reason I am able to express who I am as a person.

  10. Clarence Manejable

    Children that are obedient and skilled are often the result of the Impact of Parenting Styles. Children’s early achievements and wellbeing are favorably connected with effective parenting skills and a helpful home learning environment. Hence interventions to improve the quality of home and family life can increase the percentage of relationship or bond with the children. Parents with a good relationship with there children’s has a huge impact with what we called social mobility. Changes in parenting behaviours could help close the inequality gap in terms of child development. As time goes we are also a parents of our own, culture define ourselves of what we are in the past to what we become in the future. The advantage of it is we are all know what is good and what is right to build a relationship with care, love and faith for our family.

  11. Melitado, Angel B. BSIT 2M1

    Parenting style have a great impact to childrens self concept. Authoritarian parents example can lead to an obedient and independent child. But without guidance and involvement can also lead to child being unhappy. Strict, firm, understanding and loving helps a lot for the good development of childs esteem.

  12. Monalisa D. Bedrio BSIT 2F4

    In building self concept the parents have many choices or what we called parenting styles. Parents are the one who decides on what parenting styles they want for their children. Parents should let their children explore things but with guidance, give them freedoms and also limitations. Parents should choose the best for their child to make them better think carefully on the decision that you make to build your child’s self concept.

  13. Sharmaine Bantillo

     How can Parenting Style influence the development of our Self Concept?

    In my opinion, parenting styles can have a positive or negative influence on the behavior of a child, depending on the parents how they raise their children. As I grew up, my parents influenced me to do well at school and in everything I do, they support me. I have freedom in my life because they didn’t force me to do anything that I didn’t like. Even, though I failed them as a child, I am still unable to meet their expectations.They ensure that I am moving forward to be a better one. The more my parents nurtured me, the more I built up my self-esteem. My parents are just like authoritative parenting. As for me, parents are our treasure. Even though they are strict, they show how much they love and care about us. Communication is my way of being closer to them. Without communication, your parents couldn’t understand you.

  14. Jovy Moreno

    I believe that each one of us has our own style or strategy in dealing with kids. Our parents play an important role in our development. They become our role models and we tend to follow what they speak and act. It is important to know your child very well so that you will be able to know how to deal with him/her. Each child is unique, and therefore the same style cannot be applied to everybody because some style does not suit to another child. It is important to shape their minds in becoming a good person and show other people respect. If you are a responsible mother, then you probably produce a well-mannered child. The guidance of the parents all throughout the process is really vital because if you mislead your child, worst things may happen. What they see can influence them, and therefore we must consider ourselves as their role models.

  15. John Rey Gonzaga BSIT 2M1

    Parenting style influences the development of my self concept because not all the time my decision is good for me. Sometimes we need the correction or guidance of our parents, especially in making decision. Not all our self concept is good for us for example, our attitude , sometimes our attitude we can’t control because of our self confidence. So that parenting style influence the development of our self concept to improve our attitude for daily lives.

  16. Maria Ennah G. Zamora

    Parenting styles is very important to a growing child. And of course it can influence one’s self concept. A child needs its parents from the moment it is born. It doesn’t mean you can’t raise a child right if you have a missing family member on a child’s life. For example a child that has absent father but has a mother or a child that has an absent mother but has a father. That doesn’t mean if you have an incomplete family you have to neglect your child or get taken for granted. You need to nurture your child from the very beginning. Because I believe in the saying you teach people how to treat you by what you allow. In this article there are different types of parenting styles. And if done right it will lead your child to the right path. They could be aspirants, a successful person, and be a good example to their own children. Because we all know what will happen if we neglect a child. Most of them become criminals, drug addicts, scammer. But not all of them would go directly into the right path. Some craves for the love of their parents, wishing they could have a perfect family. Others are aspiring to be a better parent to their future offspring. It really depends on a person whether you want to be in the future despite being neglected. For me there are only two types: being a good person and being a bad person. And this is why parenting styles influence the development of our self concept.

  17. Patricia Pendon BSIT2-M1

    There are different types of parenting style that can influence the development of our self concept but for me, the most important way to do by our parents is to allow us to have freedom in choosing a path and to explore new things that can help us develop our mindset to be mature enough to choose what is right for our life and what makes us happy. Most importantly, our parents should be on our side to guide us and remind us to choose what is the best for us so that we can feel happiness and love. This kind of parenting style can affect ourselves because we can have the confidence to do what we want and our parents are there to support us on what we want as long as it is good and makes us happy and we can be strong enough to face some challenges in our daily lives. Even though there are different parenting styles, our environment is one of our enemies in our life because we, as human beings, tend to copy the behaviors that we see in our surroundings even though our parents raised us on how to be respectful but we try to do something new. Especially those people you’re always with can influence and change your self concept. We better choose people who can help us be a better person and can give you advice to do your best, especially in fulfilling your goals and dreams. It is our choice or decision if we want to copy the behaviour of our environment because it is our life but always remember the circumstances and situations we might face every time we make a decision.

  18. The way our parents raised us is a reflection of what we have become. It has a great influence in the development of our self concept. It is where we are guided to make decisions or how to deal with situations and problems. Our lifestyle also depends on what parenting style we’ve been raised. The behavior we showcase depends on the environment that our parents have given us because a negative environment creates negative impact on a child’s behavior and vice versa. There a lot of aspects where it is evident that the personality of one’s self reflects the way they are raised by their parents. In conclusion, the parents plays a major role on their children’s being for they are the one who will shape, guide and teach a child on how to live a life that is worth living. Although it is the child who will decide what to do in his life it is still his parent’s words and advices that will guide him in doing decisions in life.

  19. Parenting style affect the development of our self concept by making us for who we are. Parenting style construct our behaviour and independence , especially our self-esteem. Parenting style affects our mindset during our maturation, therefor parenting style makes a big impact on the way we communicate and the confidence when we stand in the crowd. During our childhood our parents are responsible for the character that we are developing so that different kinds of parenting makes a different kinds of individual.

  20. Jeffrey F. Bagahansol BSIT 2M1

    Many of our parents want us to get better. So some of them limit us to everything we sometimes don’t even realize is already exceeding our limit. So that we take it and affect ourselves eventually. For example to that you should always say “po and opo” when you talk to someone who is older than you. As a sign that you respect and honor them. That’s one of the parents’ empires. And eventually you bring it with you when you grow up to be respectful to your elders.

  21. John Miguel L. Villa

    There is a saying that goes ” Your attitude depicts how your parents taught you” this qoute says a lot about parenting of parents which is the starting point of creating the character of an individual. Parenting style is very important in child’s life. This will create his/her self concept of how to act in a certain situation. For example, John’s parents is always fighting and shouting to each other, John always sees it. Hence, John will be more involve to violence and aggressive against others. On other hand, Jude’s parents are always open to him and when they fight with each other, they didn’t allowed Jude to see it. Jude will be more likely be a kind and a friendly person.

  22. Ann M. Dela Puerta

    Parenting style has influence the development of our self concept that the parents well- guided to their children. They give us a freewill to be come independent when time comes . There has a rules inside the house whereas child has proper raised by parents. Well- guided of parents reflects what kind of parents they are probably influence us an individually (self-concept) Being descipline and respectful people under by our parents, they teach us, mold us to being a good citizen, friends, and as a child. Being a student I have rights to make my own decision but as well- guided my parents. Before we’re leaving in our home we had already know the limitation and there is a freedom whatever we do as long as does not against in our law. Parents style really influence development in our self concept beacuse of their guidance we had learnings they nurture us every single day until will grown up. Having a parents has proper raised it’s a blessings,
    our parents secure really make sure that we had a better future someday. Development in our self concept are what they wanted to be that face the reality of life, how handle the circumstances that has a good perspective in life.

  23. Mena M. Alolod

    We have been fortunate to have both parents to guide and lead us in everything since we were born into this world. Every decision we want to make in our lives and every path we wish to take. They will always be there for us as we get older. Their various parenting approaches have an impact on the formation of who we are now. They have an impact on our current self-concept because of the parenting styles they applied to us as children. They are responsible for who we are and what we become. When I grow up under my parents’ guidance, I will be self-sufficient and independent, but at the same time, with limitations in every decision I make and everything I do. They will fully support me if it is in my best interests, and they will allow me to try new things because they know that they can trust me and I am aware of whatever consequences of my actions. If I make mistakes or am stubborn, they continue to guide and advise me. Their parenting techniques have had a significant impact on who I am today. I can do whatever I want but there are limits and rules to follow, and it prepares me to be tough in life, to stand by my actions and decisions, and the most important thing is that I learned my lesson.

  24. James Aaron A. Juanillo

    For me i experienced a free range parenting thats why somehow my parents respect my decision as well as i respect them. however, It depends to the children if he take this as a chance on being spoiled. Its not only that i am the eldest but it is my role to be a model for my siblings that why exploring on what is good for my family is my part. Having this kind of life within my family is difficult problem on financial and time is definitely something. This is a chance for me to explore the concept of life and my self, interacting and emotional affection to people is a matter of situation and this might lead us on what we’ll become due to the our experienced.

  25. Noel D. Ecang BSIT 2M1

    Some parents are strict, they dont like to allow their children to go anywhere. Because our parents want to protect us from danger or what will happen to you. They care for you, that’s why some of us have an limited time on the outside and they will set limit or curfew to their children. So that we take it an learning or morals that parents gave us. Our parents want us to be safe and this is better for us because they are preventing us in bad influence.

  26. Jamaica Catacutan

    parenting style is a big factor on how a child grow as a person. Because parents is a big influence in every child’s life how they treat, teach and what they show to their child, he or she will carry these manners and virtues throughout his or her life.

  27. Laureano, Ely John

    From the start of a child’s life, the parent demonstrates what it means to be an adult. The parent is demonstrating what the child is attempting to achieve. The parent exemplifies what it means to be human. And, as the child grows older, what it means to be a certain gender, race, ethnicity, or social class. The parent Is the first and most important teacher of how to navigate the world, how to treat others, and how to manage one’s emotions through example. Values. Attitudes toward anything and everything. Perspective on life. Parenting, to me, is about teaching and assisting the child in connecting to their inner guidance system. Bullying, emotional or physical abuse will not accomplish this. Gentle prods, opening doors to insights, observing others, particularly any disconnect between words and actions, and, more importantly, observing one’s own actions, thoughts, behaviors, options, emotional landscape, values, standards, and societal norms. To challenge the latter and arrive at a personal stance.
    Parents want their children to be good people. Parents bear a great deal of responsibility for raising their children in the best possible way. When a parent plays an active and positive role in their child’s life, they are providing a good upbringing. A good upbringing gives the child responsibility for his overall development, moral support, and spiritual guidance, and guides him through open communication and mutual respect. Responsible parents establish good values, set limits, and positively influence their children’s behavior. When parents recognize their children’s accomplishments, they are motivated to do better. It also conveys to them that you are proud of their achievements. Parenting is a source of great joy for the rest of one’s life. In addition to meeting their children’s basic physical needs, parents must also promote their children’s intellectual, emotional, and social development. Every parent is unique, just like every child. However, all good parents share certain essential characteristics that help their children develop into responsible adults. Effective parents teach their children both directly and indirectly, most notably by example. Parents must model the qualities that they want to their child to learn by acting with good manners, respect, and friendship. Make clear rules and stick to them.
    Parents are the most important people in everyone’s lives. We would be nothing if it weren’t for our parents. Parents are the foundation of a child’s life. They gave you birth, raised you, supported you, guided you, and assisted you in any way they could. A mother goes through all the pain and struggle to give you birth, and she dreams about your future. A father makes many sacrifices for his children in order for them to grow. The love of one’s parents is the best and most precious gift one can receive. They are preoccupied with you and your life more than with anything else. Your success is their success as an amazing child.

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