Making Math Homework Easier for Kids

Making Math Homework Easier for Kids

Helping our kids to love mathematics is a bit difficult unless they have the natural inclination in the subject. But more often than not, children would usually wine about it and would do everything to get away from it. For children attending kindergarten or even primary school, this is going to be a bit challenging. As parents, we have to continuously give them the motivation to do their math tasks or assignment and to hopefully, love the subject. Are you one of those who are having a hard time making your child do his/her math assignment? This article could hopefully help you solve the equation.

  1. Let the child be the teacher

You may know the lesson. But even so, ask your child to explain it to you. Ask him/her how his/her teacher told the concept and how it is solved. Why is this necessary if you know the lesson? Well, aside from it help you refresh your mind before helping him/her in his/her assignment, it also makes the child memorize the concept and theories and, at the same time, remember the step by step to solve it. It means that by doing this, you enhance your child’s memory of the lesson, which makes it easier for him/her later on.

  1. Give some “solo” study time

Before sitting together and helping him/her do his math task, let your child sit along for a while and figure it out. Tell him/her to remember all the concepts and steps taught at school and apply it to the assignment. This will teach him/her independence, and at the same time, it will make it easier for both of you when you sit together and try to solve the task.

  1. Empower the other siblings

If you have other older children in the house who can help the child who needs to do the homework, then empower the older child to somehow help him/her in doing the math assignment. This is hitting three birds in one stone. You can let the older child feel empowered, the younger child is happy to have his/her task helped, and the two of them get to bond and have fun over an academic assignment.

  1. Do not be afraid

Yes, I understand. Math is no everyone’s favorite. If, as parents, you find it scary, make it a point that you do something about it. If your child sees that you are afraid to do it, then he/she may get the same feeling. Conquer your fear of mathematics and let your child know that there is nothing that you cannot manage. This way, you are also an excellent example for your child.

  1. Keep your cool

Helping your child accomplish his/her math assignment takes patience. Always keep your cool! If you are feeling a bit irritated because your child is having a hard time getting what you are trying to explain, then do not show any hint of irritation and disappointment, for it could adversely affect your child’s point of view about the subject. Do not shout, do not make faces, and try to be very patient and understanding even if accomplishing the task takes more time than it should be.

  1. Show the Work

After the assignment has been checked in school, ask your child to show it to you once he/she gets home. If there were missed items, encourage your child that things could be better next time. This will serve as points for improvement for both of you. It will also create a mentality to your child that he/she has nothing to be scared of for as long as he/she is doing his/her best that he/she can to accomplish the task.

Are you ready to begin your mathematics journey with your child? I know that you are excited about it! Just keep your cool and enjoy the teaching and bonding moments with your child while doing the assignment. Good luck!

Note: This article was submitted by our Contributing Author, Donna Yuper.

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