Pros and Cons of Letting Children Watch TV

Pros and Cons of Letting Children Watch TV

Pros and Cons of Letting Children Watch TV

Letting Toddlers Watch TV, Its Pros and Cons

Since television is an essential part of every household, many children’s shows are being developed so that a child can benefit from it as well. Some shows focus on subjects like English, Maths, Science, Religion, and other Social Values. But if your child is still a toddler, will it be ok for them to watch the television still without much knowledge of what is happening? Here are some Pros and Cons regards to your toddlers watching television.

Pros  of Letting Children Watch TV

  • Educational shows can help your child develop basic academic (ABCs, shapes and colors, vocabulary) and social (good values) skills.
  • Your child will know things outside the home, like wildlife and distant places. Since TV can get your child’s attention, TV time for them is a time for adults to talk about or do something that is not meant for toddlers to be heard or seen.
  • Incorporate the development of his mind and creativity by asking him questions about the show or asking him for opinions and reactions.


 Cons of Letting Children Watch TV

  • Some cartoons though meant to be watched by the kids, only promote violence. Some characters are naughty, while others use guns and other explosive materials in the story. Some study shows that this kind of show will make your child violent.
  • Toddlers don’t know the difference between reels and real; they always think that the characters inside that magic box are all-natural. This might confuse your child on right and wrong as sometimes bad values will be portrayed in the story.
  • Letting your child stay in front of the TV most of the day will make him grow passive and lose time for creative and healthy activities that can develop their growth and development.
  • Habitual watching TV will make a kid suffer from childhood obesity. Some observations from parents show that kids tend to eat more in front of the TV cause it distracts them, but kids are not processing what they are eating.
  • Kids exposed to TV most hours of the day are likely to be less active than those with less TV exposure.
  • Staying in front of the TV can make your kid not want to enjoy life outside the home – playing with other kids. Making him less friendly and less exposed to the real world.
  • Though there are more negative sides to letting toddlers watch TV, we cannot still hide that it is tough to let them stay away from it. So here are some guidelines to help you make TV watching a good habit rather than a bad one.
  • Don’t let your kids watch TV until he is two years of age.
  • Set a limited schedule for TV time.
  • Please turn off the TV when no one is watching or when it is not time for TV.
  • Watch together with your child.
  • Choose only appropriate shows for them and not for you.

Pros and Cons of Letting Children Watch TV

Pros and Cons of Letting Children Watch TV

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  1. Marvin Bayona

    The effects of television to the study habits of the child may depend on what he/she is watching. If the child watches programs that helps in stimulating the brain, develop characteristics and develop sense of curiosity about the outside world, the it is good. If the child watches this kind of videos everyday it will help in the development of their knowledge, they will adopt to this learnings. This may consider that the television is another tool that helps the improvement/development of the child. But if you just let your child watches whatever he/she wants like cartoons that are violent, have deeper meanings then, it may start to clashes the previous learning of the child. He/she may change it a wrong way because he/she start practices things that are not appropriate for them. You will have a hard time in correcting their behavior because they may start believing everything on the television is correct and they will not listen to you. It is very important to supervise your child when they are watching tv to guide and explain things to them and put limitation when exposing them in televisions.

  2. marvin bayoba

    The effects of television to the study habits of the child may depend on what he/she is watching. If the child watches programs that helps in stimulating the brain, develop characteristics and develop sense of curiosity about the outside world, the it is good. If the child watches this kind of videos everyday it will help in the development of their knowledge, they will adopt to this learnings. This may consider that the television is another tool that helps the improvement/development of the child. But if you just let your child watches whatever he/she wants like cartoons that are violent, have deeper meanings then, it may start to clashes the previous learning of the child. He/she may change it a wrong way because he/she start practices things that are not appropriate for them. You will have a hard time in correcting their behavior because they may start believing everything on the television is correct and they will not listen to you. It is very important to supervise your child when they are watching tv to guide and explain things to them and put limitation when exposing them in televisions.

  3. Angelo T. Elare BSIT 2F3

    Television affects the study habits of the children because television could eat lots of our time by watching it. It can affects the kid’s values by what they will see in the television, it can influence them.

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