Kid’s Talents | How to Spot and Enhance

Spotting and Enhancing Kid’s Talents

Kid’s Talents : How to Sot and Enhance. At the age of 2 to 3 years old, your child is expected to start exploring and expressing himself. When it comes to talent, your child will not manifest his overt talent yet, the World of Moms says, but every child already has his own innate skills and talents which need to be guided.

Others believe that talent is not something inborn but something people can work hard for. Whichever you believe, you, as a parent, have the obligation to guide your child on discovering his talents and finding out how to put them to good use.

Here, we’ve come up with tips on how to spot and enhance the talent of your 2 or 3-year-old child.

Kid's Talents | How to Spot and Enhance

Kid’s Talents | How to Spot and Enhance

Introduce different activities and environment to your child

Your toddler at this stage will start to expand his vocabulary, learn the use of his five senses and make bigger movements. You can expose your toddler to different activities that will test his capabilities and to a different environment where he can grasp new ideas and perspective.

You can teach him how to draw or sing. You can read to him books that have many pictures. Taking him in the playground or social platforms can help him meet other people and help him discover other’s talent and interest.

In this way, your toddler will have a wider range of options and, at an early age, may already be able to tick off what activities he wants and dislikes.


Kid’s Talents | How to Spot and Enhance

Talk to your child

It is also important to share with your child your interest even just a glimpse or with small details, he can perceive. You have to keep in mind though that your toddler’s interest may not be aligned with yours. Thus, you should be open-minded to encourage your child to try out other things aside from the activities which you are familiar with and comfortable at.

Let your child take risks and express himself. Listen to your child even it does not interest you. Help him pick the right terms to use. Correct him but not to the point of pressuring him to master an activity. Praise him because of the effort he exerted.

Communicating with your child is important. It will help him become more expressive and you will get to know your child more. You have to be careful though about the messages you are conveying. When it comes to disciplining and as your child grows older, make sure that your action coincides with the words you’re teaching.

Kid's Talents | How to Spot and Enhance

Kid’s Talents | How to Spot and Enhance

Let your child be a child, but take note of his chosen activities

You can encourage your child to commit to a particular activity even only within for a particular period. This will discipline your child to finish what he started. Make sure though that your child will still enjoy being a kid.

During playtime, World of Moms says that most children are more expressive and they manifest certain level of aggression, passion or commitment towards different aspects. The aspect in which your child is most passionate about can be his innate talent. You can categorize it as among the things he can hone.

You don’t have to pressure your child to hone a particular ability. The output that your child delivers is more heartfelt and significant when it is done by his own free will.

Kid's Talents | How to Spot and Enhance

Kid’s Talents | How to Spot and Enhance

When you spot your Kid’s talent…

When you spot your child’s talent, you can seek advice from professionals on how to further develop it. You can already find some programs designed to hone the talent of 2 or 3-year-old children.

Also, you can go back to the tips listed above. You can now expose your child to activities and environment but this time, to something more relevant to your child’s talent. In order for you to know his thoughts on developing a particular talent, always make time to talk and listen to your child. And lastly, don’t forget to let your child play, explore and express himself.

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