Healthy Snacks for Kids

Healthy Snacks Ideas for Kids

Preparing healthy snacks for the kids is challenging. Admit it or not, it needs constant use of creativity to make sure that the snack is visually appetizing and, at the same time, nutritious. You are learning the art of preparing snacks loved by kids posts a challenge for every mother or father out there. So, let me give you these simple lists of easy-to-prepare meals which your kiddos would surely love. 

Healthy Snacks for Kids

Healthy Snacks for Kids


Fresh from the refrigerator, serving yogurt as a snack is very easy. It is incredibly healthy for the digestive system, for it enhances beneficial bacteria. Choose the plain yogurt and spice it up by adding bits of fruits. 

Carrot stick hummus

Dipping strips of carrots in hummus is good for the health. The much-needed nutrients are given, and the food is equally tasty and appealing for kids. 


A vegetable for a snack? Why not? Pairing celery with peanut butter and raisin will give your kid the much-needed carbohydrates and protein. Cut the celery and garnish its top with peanut butter and raisins as decorative. 

Healthy Snacks for Kids

Healthy Snacks for Kids

Apples with peanut butter

Cut apples into slices and dip them into peanut butter. It may not sound reasonable for some, but the taste it brings is heavenly. Plus, it is also unresistingly healthy. 


Calcium and vitamin loaded? The cheese will always be the answer. Either you give it as it is or include it in a meal or bread, the cheese will certainly stand its rich taste. 

Cottage Cheese

Loaded with nutrients and vitamins, adding cottage cheese as a snack for toddlers and kids would be a hit! Its natural light salty taste brings delight to every kid out there. 

Healthy Snacks for Kids

Healthy Snacks for Kids

Baked sweet potato fries

Instead of going for the ready-made chips, go for the home0made one. Cut strips of it or cook it as it is, and you are good to go. 

Banana quesadilla and peanut butter

In preparing the tortilla, use peanut butter as the main sauce and garnish it with slices of meat or vegetables. It will be tasty and, of course, perfect for health. 

Bell peppers and guacamole

Dipping bell peppers with guacamole is a fun way to spice up the snack. This is recommended for kids around seven years of age or older. 

Trail Mix

Have you tried personalized trail mix? That is possible. Instead of going for the ready-made ones, which are usually filled with chocolate bits, make it healthier by focusing on whole-grain cereals and dried fruits. 

Healthy Snacks for Kids

Healthy Snacks for Kids

Banana oat cookies

Yes! Turning the banana fruit into cookies is also an option. The naturally sweet taste of it is perfectly matched with the color and texture of the cookies. I am sure that your kids will even brag about this snack. 

Crackers and butter

Whole-grain biscuits coated with butter are also a hit! Though it may sound simple, this usual snack will always be my favorite one. Its taste and its health effects are indeed admirable. 

Turkey paired with avocado.

Cut the avocado into slices and wrap it using pieces of turkey. As the kid bites the roll-up, the bursting taste of it will make the snack time enjoyable. After all, this is also loaded with protein and nutrients. 

Energy balls

Energy balls are equivalent to energy boosters! Made up of cookie dough and other additives of fruits and the likes, energy balls will be easy to munch, easy to share, and easy to love my kids. 

Healthy Snacks for Kids

Healthy Snacks for Kids

Frozen fruit popsicles

Prepare all the needed ingredients ahead of time. Use the blender or juicer in grinding the fruits and turn them into liquid. Turn these now into popsicles and store them in the refrigerator! This is undeniably a fun way of preparing something healthy for the kids.

Half sandwich 

What is good about a sandwich is that you can put anything in it. With the perfect taste of the sauce, nothing could go wrong with serving sandwiches as a snack to kids. 


These pickles are cucumbers. So, expect that this is going healthy and crunchy! Either you include it in other snacks or serve it as it is; pickles will stand out. 


Taking nuts as a snack is recommended if the kid can manage the tiny bits of it and the texture. Its health advantage includes antioxidants and dietary fats, which are essential for growing children. 

Healthy Snacks for Kids

Healthy Snacks for Kids


An apple, orange, banana, or any other piece of fruit will also serve as a snack. It is easy with almost no preparation to do. When it comes to nutrition, I am sure that fruits can do their wonders. 

Hard-boiled eggs

Protein-based snacks are the best for these could sustain the needs of the body. One of which is the hard-boiled eggs. Nothing fancy in terms of preparation. Just pair it with crackers or fruits, and it will be fine. 

Kale chips

Loaded with lots of Vitamins like A, C, and K, kale chips are easy to prepare and fun to eat for the kids; plus, they can always share them with other kids. 

Veggie Pita Pocket

As I have mentioned, you have to be creative. So, make use of slices and bits of veggies in preparing and filling the pita. Make it a bonding time by asking your kid to help you out in designing it. 

Healthy Snacks for Kids

Fruit smoothie

Slurpee-style snack? Turning fruits into smoothie flavored drinks is a great way to refresh and be healthy at the same time. This will be a hit for all kids. An example of this may be a banana smoothie or the berry smoothie. 


Aside from breakfast, serving cereal as part of the snack is also suggested. It allows you to do it as it is or add bits of fruits. The health benefit it can bring, as well as the energy booster effect, is superb. 


Olives are healthy due to their antioxidant properties. All you have to do is find ways to incorporate it as part of a snack without letting your kid feel that it is a vegetable at all. 


This whole-grain-based snack may seem to be junk food, but it is not. I would suggest that you go for the butter flavor since it is tasty and healthy at the same time. 

Healthy Snacks for Kids


Packing raisins into small packs and including them as snack time or meal is easy and convenient. These are also extremely healthy since they are loaded with nutrients and vitamins. 

Sliced pears

Adding ricotta cheese with sliced pears is loaded with calcium, fiber, and protein. Plus, it is indeed very delicious because of its combined sweet and salty taste. 

Prepare the best snacks for kids now and give them the taste of equally healthy and delicious snacks! Good luck! 

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