Generation Alpha | Covid-19 Aftermath
First, there was the Babyboomers, followed by the Generation X, then followed by the Millenials or the Gen Y, followed by the Generation Z, then back to the first alphabet. Now, we have Generation Alpha.
The Generation Alpha Amid COVID-19
This group is primarily the kids of the Millennials. They are expected to be the most technologically savvy and highly educated kids. Most marketing researchers and advertisers are already looking into these kids.
Mark McCrindle is a social researcher who coined the term Generation Alpha, also called the iGeneration. These kids are born from 2010 to 2025. Most of these children are familiar with the voices of Alexa, Google, and Siri Assistant in their homes, making them interact with artificial intelligence naturally. These are just some of the facts which made people and social scientists predict well of this group.
But this promising generation is the same group of children who are now in their formative years and are currently experiencing the impact of the global pandemic.
Generation Alpha | Covid-19 Aftermath
COVID-19 Pandemic
Admittedly, the New Corona Virus 2019, also known as COVID – 19, has changed a lot of things not just in a specific country but across the world. It had affected the lives of billions of people and took the lives of the affected thousands.
Since we focus all our worries on how we could beat this pandemic, another aspect of the children’s perspectives must also be given attention – how would this pandemic affect these children? This is what we are going to identify in this write-up.
Generation Alpha Years
Children from ten years old and below are called Generation Alpha. Unfortunately, these children now who are compelled to stay at home for a long time instead of nourishing their social skills outside would be hugely affected by this pandemic.
Generation Alpha | Covid-19 Aftermath
What are the Possible Effects of COVID-19 on the Generation Alpha
1. Anxiety and Fear
Today, wearing masks is the new normal. We don’t hug and kiss our kids if we come from work. They also heard us expressing our anxieties over disinfecting our goods and washing our hands with alcohol now and then.
Since these young children have witnessed the chaos and worldwide pandemic death toll, some of the imminent feelings these children may develop are anxiety and fear. More so, the fact that adults surrounding them exhibits worries and fears contribute to their growing feelings. At worst, there may seem to be a paranoia of the virus and of other people who might infect them if these anxieties and worries are mismanaged.
2. Financial Pressure
A lot of workers were displaced. Hence, many families were left to wait for the pandemic to be over before they could look for another job that could sustain their needs. Growing children could imbibe these financial pressures and become agitated about the condition, not just today but in the coming years to come. They will have the feeling that they were robbed of so many opportunities because of the pandemic.
3. Growing Dysfunctional Families
Those children who have dysfunctional families, or those who come from separated families, may feel the burden of emotional toil more intense this pandemic season. As much as they need the guidance and support of the parents, this becomes an internal issue when not given the right attention. They begin to feel lonely, isolated, and eventually may lead to anxiety and depression.
Generation Alpha | Covid-19 Aftermath
4. Norm-induced Seclusion
Social distancing, in the long run, could lead to seclusion. Children would become withdrawn from people, either these are older or at the same age. When social distancing has become a pattern for quite some time, it would be a paradigm shift on how children interact with other people as they grow old. They may find comfort or self-satisfaction in being alone or just focused on gadgets or other electronic technological advancements instead of dealing with actual human beings.
5. Technological Tools
These children were born with massive technological advancements already. With that, it is understandable that they are immersed in these technologies. But given this COVID – 19 pandemic, expect that these children would be heavily reliant on technology in almost all aspects of their lives. They do their entertainment online, talk with friends online, do school works online, and everything else. This becomes a problem when possible online and gadget addiction comes into place.
A lot has happened, and a lot will still happen in this battle against COVID – 19. Again, this article is just a thought of the possibilities that may happen to our kids, Generation Alpha. As we fight against the virus, let us also not forget to fight for the needs of our children, especially the emotional and psychological needs during these difficult times.
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The after-effect of the quarantine to these Generation Alpha kids first and foremost is their socialization. They barely know how to handle theirselves in other people, there will always fear, they feel lonely and will have a hard time in discovering or knowing theirselves. The internet is the one who they follow like what’s the trend for this and that but the good thing is that they value their family much more.
The after-effect of the quarantine to these Generation Alpha kids first and foremost is their socialization. They barely know how to handle theirselves in other people, there will always fear, they feel lonely and will have a hard time in discovering or knowing theirselves. The internet is the one who they follow like what’s the trend for this and that but the good thing is that they value their family much more.
I think the the effect of quarantine to their values will be big beacuse this pandemic is new to them actually to all of us, I think one of the effects will be they will be shy around crowded people beacuse they are not used to it since most of their times they are in thier home.